
30 min.

Drawing templates and styles in Civil 3D​

Module overview

Welcome to the Drawing Templates and Styles in Civil 3D module. When we design, we want our drawing to display a certain way for different phases of a project. These styles can come from Autodesk templates, be developed to use your company standards, or come from country kits. When using a template, it can include layers, display styles for Civil 3D objects, drawing settings, etc. In this module, you will learn how different styles affect the appearance of your model. 

You can import styles from other drawings or templates, or reference styles across drawings. There are also special templates available for plan production. 

This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. By the end of the module, you should be able to:  

  • Understand the nature of Civil 3D templates 
  • Understand why Civil 3D projects may use more than one template 
  • Adjust Civil 3D object styles and label styles for intent and purpose 
  • Share styles across projects and team members 
  • Use special templates for plan production 
  • Understand how to use reference templates 

 Module pre-requisites 

This module requires user-level knowledge of Civil 3D and is focused on best practices and its industry applications. If you don't have experiences with this product, we recommend you take foundational training using one of the resources below: 

  • Built-in tutorials, available via in-product Help 
  • eLearning Partners 
  • Authorized Training Centers 

About the author 

This module was created by Raphael Kuntz, Designated Support Specialist. The Try Its, Read Me files, and Knowledge Checks were created by ASCENT. 

 Before you start 

  • Please make sure you have the Civil 3D software loaded. 
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support 

Module outline

  • Introduction and Welcome