Account management for admins

Upgrade products and plans

Upgrade an Autodesk LT product to a full product

Upgrade to an industry collection or from an LT product to a full product. The way you upgrade depends on how you got your subscription.


You can upgrade an LT product to full product. If your product is part of an industry collection, you can upgrade to a collection. See Switch to a collection (US site) for details. 


If your subscription is on a Standard plan, you can upgrade to a Premium plan.

Upgrade to a full Autodesk industry collection

If your product is part of an industry collection, you can upgrade to the full industry collection. In most cases, your users won't need to reinstall their software.


Note: If you upgrade from a 2019 or earlier product, you may need to update your product license serial number. See Update a serial number.


Assign upgraded products to users

Your users can continue using the old software for 30 days from the order date as you complete the switch. In your account, look for instructions to guide you through the trade-in process.

  1. Assign product access to the new subscription. You can use filters to sort users by contract.

  2. (optional) Unassign users from the original subscription.

For new products, your users receive an email that they can sign in to their account to download products.

Upgrade to a Premium plan

Admins can upgrade to a Premium plan for more administrative features and support options. See  Autodesk plans to compare Standard and Premium and the plans FAQ for questions about pricing and eligible products.

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What level of support do you have?

Different subscription plans provide distinct categories of support. Find out the level of support for your plan.

View levels of support