Constructing a change request workflow to obsolete an item in Upchain

In this lesson, we’ll discuss how you can use a Change request workflow to obsolete an item. Since items cannot be deleted from Upchain, making an item obsolete effectively marks it as something not to be used anymore. 

A Change request workflow is the only thing that can be used to obsolete an item in Upchain.

Before you start:

Note that an item must be in a development state to be made obsolete using a Change request workflow. If you require other items to be made obsolete, then you must reach out to Upchain support.  

IMPORTANT: Consider whether this workflow is necessary at your organization and who should be involved in signing off on obsoleting items.

Creating a workflow to obsolete an item 

In this video, we’ll show you how to create a Change request workflow to obsolete an item.

Key takeaways

  1. A Change request workflow is the only way to obsolete an item in Upchain without Upchain Support assistance.
  2. A Change request workflow can only obsolete an item in development.
  3. The Update primitive is the key step to change the status of the item to obsolete.