Adding decision points and connecting primitives in Upchain

In this lesson, we’ll continue building on the workflow that we started in the previous lesson. We’ll focus on how to configure decision points so that you can include multiple people and teams in the review and approval stages of your workflow. We’ll also finish the workflow by adding connectors, configuring all exceptions paths, and finally publishing the workflow for final use.

Building decision points into a Change request workflow  

In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to configure the primitives for each approval stage in the workflow.

Key takeaways

  1. The Decision primitive assigns the task of deciding what happens next in the workflow. 
  2. The Decision primitive can either be Generic, where only one person must decide, or Quorum, where a certain percentage of people must decide. 
  3. The Decision primitive can be assigned to specific people by name, to one or more roles, or to one or more user teams.

Connecting the primitives together and publishing a Change request workflow 

In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to connect all the primitives together that we configured in the previous video and publish the workflow for final use.

Key takeaways

  1. When connecting primitives, the happy path (green) from a primitive is always configured first, and the exception path (red) is configured second.
  2. Exception paths are required for any primitive that has two possible outcomes.
  3. Before publishing, Upchain ensures no primitives are missing required settings and that there are no missing connectors.
  4. A published workflow can be used by your end users. The workflow must be versioned up to make further edits.