Readjust Sharing (9:08 min)

If we have an architectural model that we just put on a coordinate system, there is a huge probability that other links are going to need to share those same coordinates. The good thing is, if they are already linked into the architectural model, the links will still be in the right spot.
The problem is any time you try to link other models (as well as the models that are currently linked into the architectural model), they won’t line up. Also if you export it to Navisworks or try to bring the model back intro Civil 3D…it will be way off.
Let’s put a structural model on shared coordinates.
  1. Open Revit.
  2. Open the architectural model that has been put on shared coordinates.
  3. In the Project Browser, scroll down to Revit Links.
  4. Right Click and click Manage Links…
  5. In the Manage Links dialog, select the Structural link.
  6. Click Reload From… (See the Figure below).
  7. Browse to the structural model, and click Open.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Go to a 3D view.
  10. Find the structural link and select it. (You should find a structural column. When you hover over one you think is part of the structural model it will highlight the entire link.
  11. In the properties, notice that it says Shared Site <Not Shared>.
  12. Click the <Not Shared> button as shown in the Figure below:
  13. In the Chose Site dialog, click Move Instance to: (STRUCTURAL.rvt [Internal] is the default. That’s what we want).
  14. Hit Save.
  15. Click Save on the Next dialog, which wants you to save the coordinates back to the link.

You are all set. This places the link on your projects coordinate system.