Mark Up Shared Views with Sketches, Arrows, Clouds, and Text - Exercise
In this exercise, you will mark up a section view in the Autodesk Viewer and then share the markup with other users.
You need to have access to Revit and a shared view to work through these steps. If you have not created a shared view in an earlier exercise, do that now. If you do not have access to Revit, ask someone who does to create a shared view and you can work through the Autodesk Viewer portion of the practice. You will also need a free Autodesk Account to access the Markup tools.
- Open the Small Medical Center shared view through Revit or through a link that was shared with you.
- In the Autodesk Viewer, sign in to your Autodesk account. The Markup option will display in the toolbar.
- Orient the view so that you are seeing a top down section view of the model, zoomed in on the front entrance. You want to be below the roof covering over the sidewalk.
- If you completed the previous practice, you will have the free measurements of 6'-0", as shown below.

- Click Markup. The toolbar changes to the Markup toolbar.

- Click Pencil and sketch several circles outside the doors. The exact size is not critical.
- Select one of the circles and change the color. Repeat with a second circle.

- In the Toolbar, click the Arrow tool. Draw an arrow pointing to the last circle.
- Add another arrow pointing to the vestibule.

- Click the Cloud tool and add a cloud around the vestibule.

- Click the Text tool and pick a point near the outside arrow to place the text.
- Type in Add circles 6'-0" apart to show distances.
- Click to place the text.
- Select the text and drag it so that it sits at the end of the arrow.

- Click Text again. Try to add it within the cloud. It will select the cloud instead. Therefore, place the text outside the cloud and move it inside the cloud once you have typed in the text. Type Clean this entry fully.

- At the top right of the window, click Save.

- This opens the comments and displays the comment with a link. This link gives you access to the markup.

- Click on the markup picture and the markup displays. You can print and share the markup but not make any changes to it. Click Close Markup.

- If you have access to Revit where the original shared view was created, in the Shared Views palette, click Refresh. The markup view was shared without you having to post it.

- Click on the markup picture. This opens the Autodesk Viewer.
- In the Comments pane, click the markup picture to show the markups.