Unlocking efficiency with BIM and GIS in Italian railways


FSTechnology shares the success of integrating BIM and GIS. (video: 2:23 min.)

FS Italiane Group is one of the largest industrial companies in Italy with a focus on the implementation and maintenance of accessible, integrated, resilient, and interconnected railways and roads. To achieve better collaboration and accuracy, FSTechnology is adopting innovative approaches by integrating BIM and GIS.  

The team has brought together BIM and GIS to estimate the cut and feed volumes around tracks and perform site accessibility studies. With Autodesk Construction Cloud, Autodesk Revit, Esri ArcGIS, and Esri ArcGIS GeoBIM, they achieved new levels of sustainability with the monitoring of environmental impact. In addition, the automation of repetitive tasks has resulted in 40% time savings. 

"The integration between BIM and GIS is essential…and the partnership between Esri and Autodesk is fundamental for FSTechnology."

—Marcella Faraone, Head of BIM & GIS Systems Department, FSTechnology