Exam details

About the certification

The Autodesk Certified Expert in Generative Design for Manufacturing exam is aligned to job skills used by mechanical engineers using Autodesk Fusion 360 in their careers. Details about the exam including price, scheduling, exam length, scoring & attempts, and proctoring instructions are found on the Autodesk Certified Expert in Generative Design for Manufacturing certification page. The exam is aligned to knowledge and skills outlined in the exam objectives.

Review these exam objectives to familiarize yourself with what you will be tested on. The certification prep course is aligned to the exam objectives and will give you an opportunity to review the skills and pre-assess your knowledge before taking the certification exam.

Ready to take the exam?

The first step is to schedule an appointment with Pearson Vue.  The on-line certification exam is proctored and comes with strict testing environment requirements so plan to take the exam when you have access to a quiet clutter free space when you are not interrupted.

Upon completion of the test session, you will receive your exam score. The exam is scored as pass/fail. The exam score report provides feedback on your exam performance at the exam section level. Feedback at the question level is not made available to maintain exam confidentiality.

When you pass the certification exam, you will be issued a badge confirming your certification achievement. We encourage you to share your badge on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. If you fell short of passing the exam, try again! Review your score report and refresh your skills in the sections identified and go back to the certification prep course for instructional support.

Additional questions? Review the  Autodesk Certification FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for answers.