Managing project documents compatible with the PDF Viewer

In this lesson, we’ll demonstrate how to manage project-level documents in the web application. You’ll learn how to manage incremental changes to a document using the check out/in functionality, create a link between documents, and view a document in the PDF Viewer.

Finally, you'll learn how to publish a document, revise a published document, and archive a document.

Before you start:

You must be invited to Upchain and have at least a Participant license to perform the tasks demonstrated in this lesson. You will also need to be added to a project team to be able to manage documentation within that project.

Managing documents changes

In this video, we will: 

  • Check out a document to make changes to it
  • Check the document back in to create a new document version
  • Link a document to another document
  • Send the document through a workflow to be published

Key takeaways

  1. Checking out a document allows you to make changes to a document and ensures no one else can at the same time.
  2. Checking in the document commits the changes back into Upchain, and creates a new document version.
  3. A document can only be published using a workflow.
  4. A document link is created between specific document versions and is lost when documents are versioned up.

Reviewing documents in the PDF Viewer and publishing

In this video, we will:

  • View a document in the PDF Viewer and gain some familiarity with its functionality
  • Explore what happens when the publish workflow is rejected
  • Complete the workflow to publish a document

Key takeaways

  1. The PDF Viewer can be used to view and mark up any document that is compatible with the PDF Viewer.
  2. There are several ways to communicate changes including Investigation requests and project tasks.
  3. Only when the workflow is accepted is the document published.

Revising, cloning, and archiving project documents

In this video, we will:

  • Revise a published document
  • Clone a document
  • Archive a document

Key takeaways

  1. Published documents can be revised by checking them out and checking them back in again to create a new document version.
  2. Cloning a document copies the document and assigns it a new number, meaning you do not need to start a new document from scratch.
  3. Archiving a document is useful if you no longer need to use the document but wish to keep it in the project to be viewed.