Most of our Water Drops workflows are created by our North American team, but this time around we’re very happy to welcome new ideas from Aussies Tran Nguyen (first time poster!) and Matt Piggott (see his previous work here). As always, you can subscribe to our full Water Drop Workflows playlist for more videos as we drop them.
Total, live, and dead storage in sewer networks with Ryan Brown
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic, colorless gas that can build up in sewer systems when organic matter decomposes. Chemical oxidation and other straightforward – but sometimes expensive – methods can be used to remove or minimize the risk of exposure, but hydraulic models can help as well. In fact, there is a quick-and-simple tool built into InfoWorks ICM that can help with evaluating risk of H2S build up in a system, and Ryan shows you how it works.
The Area Take Off Method (ATO) in InfoWorks ICM with Tran Nguyen
Impervious areas, especially within urban settings, can play a huge role in resilience when it come to flooding and stormwater mitigation. This short video highlights how a hydraulic planning model from a council/government/utility can be used to quickly calculate the percentage of impervious areas within a subcatchment for the routing model setup.
The basics of variable speed pumps in InfoWater Pro with Tim Medearis
Variable Speed Pumps (VSPs) are fantastic tools to better represent real world conditions within a hydraulic model. However, without understanding them appropriately, they can often be misused or misrepresented. Take a few minutes with this video to better learn how VSPs can stabilize your hydraulic model and represent it accurately.
Hydrologic applications with InfraWorks and InfoWorks ICM
We’ve presented some workflows between InfraWorks and InfoWorks ICM in a previous Water Drop video, but we dive deeper into hydrologic workflows in this one. Learn how to leverage the automatic catchment generation tools in InfraWorks to advance hydrologic workflows in InfoWorks ICM and very accurately size critical infrastructure like dams, bridges, and culverts.
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