Exploring Digital Transformation

Discover emerging technologies

For the past four decades, Autodesk has been leading the digital journey to transform the way businesses design, build and manufacture. We reach across multiple industries to offer tools and technologies that can help you unlock new possibilities for your business.

Learn about Autodesk digital transformation solutions

2 men looking at 3D rendering of an object on tablet.

Connected data

Break down data silos and give your teams access to the right data at the right time – to keep your product development processes moving forward.

Illustration of an internal lattice structures in generative design software.

Generative design

Explore a wider range of design options: From a single idea, generate myriad alternatives – then choose the design that best fits your needs.


A digital twin representation of building next to an illustration of the same building.

Digital twin

Integrate real-time data from a real-world product or asset with its digital representation to create insights across the complete lifecycle.


2 robotic arms use lasers to manufacture an object.

Smart manufacturing

Advanced manufacturing technologies maximise efficiency, improve product performance and help you get to market faster with less risk.

A woman wearing an XR headset with an overlay of a cityscape she is seeing.

Extended reality (XR)

Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) are fundamentally changing how people interact with their data and each other.


A man examines a manufactured part in front of computer-assisted design.

Digital manufacturing

Connect people, processes and the entire manufacturing ecosystem to design and make products faster with lower costs and less waste.