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Motion Paths

Camera sequencer

Dual Quaternion skinning

Populate enhancements

Populate crowd animation

Character animation and rigging tools

General animation tools

Animated deformers

Track View retiming

Text tool (enhanced)

Geodesic Voxel and Heatmap skinning

Max Creation Graph animation controllers

Animation productivity

Open Shading Language (OSL) support

Parametric spline shape Booleans

Procedural wood texture

Data Channel Modifier

Blended Box Map

OpenSubdiv support

Enhanced ShaderFX


Point cloud support

Placement tools

Quad chamfer

Mesh and surface modeling

Texture assignment and editing

Shading and material design

Vector map support

Text and shape map

Fast form hard surfaces

UV mapping

Object tool improvements

3ds Max Interactive scene layout in VR

3ds Max Interactive VR engine    

3ds Max Interactive sample VR templates    

Arnold for 3ds Max

A360 rendering support

3ds Max Batch

Physical camera

Added support for new Iray and mental ray enhancements    

Additional Nitrous viewport performance enhancements

Accelerated viewport performance

Enhanced ActiveShade rendering

Stereo Camera

Integrated rendering options

Render pass system

ActiveShade interactive rendering

Nitrous accelerated graphics core

DX11 viewport rendering

Slate compositing editor

Autodesk Raytracer Renderer (ART)

3ds Max Fluids

Exposure lighting simulation and analysis

mParticles and Particle Flow enhancements

Particle Flow

mCloth cloth simulation

mRigids rigid-body dynamics

Hair and fur

Simple simulation data import

CivilView vehicles physical material support

Autodesk Viewer workflows from within 3ds Max

Updated project tools

Game exporter

Max Creation Graph (enhanced)

One-click Print Studio access

3ds Max Asset Library

Modern UI and workspaces

Improved Shotgun integration

Smart asset packaging

Customizable workspaces

Max to LMV

Max Creation Graph

xref renovations

Design Workspace

Template system

Alembic support

Multitouch support

Scene Explorer improvements

Layer Manager improvements

Support for Autodesk Translation Framework

Support for Inventor animation

Enhanced Revit workflow

Import SketchUp 2015 files

Civil View feature set

Python scripting

Enhanced scene management

Perspective Match

2D pan and zoom

Configurable user interface

Adobe After Effects interoperability

Data transfer and pipeline integration

Compositing integration

Collaborative workflows with Containers

3ds Max SDK (software development kit)

3ds Max free trial
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    8 GB


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