Summer is not over yet! We just dropped some heat; you now have access to Emboss, new Edit-in-Place options, Electronics enhancements, Section View Depth Control in Drawings, and more.
What's New
The long-awaited Tool Library refresh is here! After many rounds of feedback and improvements, the Tool Library graduates from preview functionality to the official method of managing and selecting tools for the Manufacture workspace. Read to learn more.
What's New
Even Depths of Cut: Why is it important and how does it work? How does it differ from the normal strategy? If you have ever had these questions and more about Turning. Click-in to read more.
The old adage has never been so real, "You can't manage what you can't measure. As Manufacturing is going through a major disruption, inspection has never been more critical. Read to learn more.
Chip LEDs have never looked so good. Combined with all these other new Fusion 360 electronics features, the future has never been so bright! Read to find out more.
What's New
Start extending your manufacturing capacity and check out what's new and what's coming to the Fusion 360 - Manufacturing Extension, the flexible way to add advanced manufacturing tools to your process.
What's New
We are excited to open the electronics cooling technology to the public. Read to find out how to if your components are exceeding critical temperatures.
What's New
We're working hard to build a new tool library that gives a great user experience and allows you to manage and use your tools efficiently. Here's a preview of improvements coming in the next product update.
What's New
The new View / Overview tabs bring a more modern and streamlined look and feel to Fusion Team.
What's New
Find out what's new with Fusion Team for 2020: Project Members.
What's New
Now you can insert decals and canvas image from your cloud projects, create multiple bends from a sketch in a single command, and get access to advanced manufacturing and generative design features.
What's New
The Fusion 360 CAM team has been busy bringing turning updates large and small. Here's your one stop shop for what's new in turning.
What's New
Cost Estimation, 2 and 2.5 axis milling constraints for Generative Design, and multi-depth engraving for the Manufacture workspace have all just dropped in this update!
What's New
It's been awhile since we last made a roadmap update. We've been very busy at making Fusion 360 the best it can be, and want to share with you what we have been working on.
What's New
You can now open a design shared to you via public share link directly into Fusion 360 🙌
What's New