• Scottish Canals: Turning Glasgow into a sponge city

    When Scottish Canals, Glasgow City Council, and Scottish Water came together to create the Glasgow Integrated Water Management System under the wider umbrella partnership of the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership, they had a radical idea – to turn North Glasgow into…

  • inside of a digital pipe

    Upcoming Water Talk: how Digital Twins foster a culture of continuous improvement

    You’ve heard the phrase. You understand the basic benefits. But how do you actually start using Digital Twin technology? Join us on September 20 for the next Water Talk, Create Impactful Change within Your Organization by Implementing Digital Twin Technology. We’ll show…

  • Drop-by-drop: a thorough approach to mitigating leaks, conserving water, and reducing costs

    In regions with aging and decaying infrastructure, water utilities around the world have been dealing with reducing non-revenue water for decades, particularly the water leakage part. Because leaks continue to occur and grow, finding and reducing leakage is continuous work. Underground leaks…

  • checking a water pump

    Watch the Water Talk: Surge analysis in hydraulic modeling

    In our most recent Water Talk, Crystal Broadbent of Hazen & Sawyer shares three unique customer stories to demonstrate the application of InfoSurge with InfoWater Pro. InfoSurge uses transient analysis and modelling to predict how your water distribution network will react to…

  • A Stormies Guide to InfoWorks ICM: free learning series

    If you’re looking to get started with InfoWorks ICM, we have some good news. We designed a series of videos for stormwater experts that is completely free and open to everyone. This is a great way to quickly learn the details of…

  • Words of Water Wisdom: Luna Leopold

    From time to time, we like to collect our favorite quotes, sayings, and statistics about water and share them with readers. Today we’re celebrating one of the pioneers of hydrology: Luna Leopold. What strikes us about this quote, which Leopold wrote over…

  • deep inside a sewer

    Watch the Water Talk: how to prepare for new California regulations

    Our latest Water Talk is in the books – but you can watch it right here. The subject was California’s new general order for sanitary sewer systems, which our own David Totman, who co-hosted the talk, has written about recently. As David…

  • flooded town

    Facing rising floodwaters with advanced hydraulic modeling

    It seems that every week, we hear increasingly worse news about flooding: Just a few days ago, Dallas recorded its highest 24-hour precipitation total in nearly 90 years. With bridges collapsing under the weight of floodwaters and the ground unable to soak…

  • california water regulations

    Water Talk next week: California’s new sanitary sewer regulations

    Regulatory changes within the water industry in the US sometimes come from Washington, DC, but when California makes a regulatory move, the rest of the country sits up and notices. And they often follow California’s lead. “The 2022 proposed update to the…

  • InfoWorks WS Pro

    New release: InfoWorks WS Pro 2023.1

    The newly released InfoWorks WS Pro 2023.1 provides hydraulic modelers with more accurate pump configuration and selection, cross-version compability, and enhanced water demand reporting. We have several updates that we hope will make hydraulic modeling faster and easier for you. System head…