As sustainable and accurate drainage design becomes more important in today’s world of rising sea levels and extreme weather events, now is the time to train your design and hydraulic modeling teams on how to use the latest in drainage design software. Our team of experts at Autodesk have compiled a comprehensive learning course and advanced learning modules for InfoDrainage, all available completely for free.

In this post, we’ll outline all the free learning content available for you for InfoDrainage. Be sure to bookmark this post and send it out to your team so you have it for future onboarding and professional development.
The InfoDrainage training course
Autodesk provides a dedicated InfoDrainage training course that is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to effectively use this robust drainage modeling solution. You can find even more tutorials about specific details of the software by exploring the Learning Catalog using the filtering and search capabilities.

The on-demand format of these courses allows you to start learning immediately without waiting for scheduled classes, and you can proceed at your own pace, revisiting the material as often as needed. We recommend you sign in with your Autodesk account to bookmark and save your quick quiz results.
Technical Information Hub
To further support your learning journey, the InfoDrainage Technical Information Hub collects a lot of nitty-gritty details on one page. Need a download? Looking for release notes? Got an idea for our public product roadmap? Want to do some coding? Question about licensing? Stuck and need one-on-one help? This is the hub where we hope you’ll find everything and anything else you need.
Dig into our many drainage design posts
We also publish a lot of content right here on the One Water Blog about InfoDrainage that might interest you, like Water Drop workflow videos, InfoDrainage product update posts, and very readable customer stories that detail how water professionals use our software to solve real-world problems.
Did you know that we collapsed the tiers for InfoDrainage and produced a Fundamentals of Drainage Design course? If you want to be kept abreast of news like this, consider subscribing to the OWB newsletter at We only send out an update when we have something interesting or important to share, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.