We’re happy to report that we’ve just released our latest course on the Customer Success Hub for InfoWorks ICM. It joins three other new Autodesk Water courses:
- InfoWorks WS Pro
- InfoWater Pro
- InfoDrainage
- InfoWorks ICM (just added!)
The importance of basic training
Autodesk water apps can help engineers do powerful things – and the deeper you go into the details, the more power you acquire to make your digital twin models parallel behaviors in the real world.
Whenever you adopt a new app and make it part of your day-to-day work life, you’re adopting a new paradigm that’s based on a long history of how the app was created and developed and used by others. It’s very easy to jump straight into working before you’ve really explored what is possible. Without effective and engaging walkthroughs and tutorials, it might take you months to realize there is actually a more efficient way to do something you find yourself doing all the time.
Simply put: it’s worth your time to learn how to use the major functionalities of any app, but the quality of the courseware makes a big difference as to whether you will.

A new learning methodology for Innovyze apps
That’s why we’ve been working hard to bring new training classes to customers that help them get onboarded, while also checking as many best-practice boxes as possible so our customers will be successful:
- On-demand, on your schedule: We want to offer on-demand formats that you can approach at your own pace and in your own time – and make it easy for you to come back to where you left off.
- Go deep or shallow: We want to provide a comprehensive and structurally organized experience in one location that can also be consumed in small chunks, on-the-fly.
- Thoughtful and engaging: We want our training to be approachable and interactive, with text that closely tracks video presentations, downloadable sample content, low-stakes quizzes, helpful illustrations, and handy information that doesn’t require you to dig deeply into separate technical documentation (unless you want to).
- Useful and accessible: We want to offer as many helpful features as possible on our learning platform so you can bookmark, create and share lists, see your history, adjust your video speed, etc. We want make your experience easy and accessible – not something you put off or avoid.
These four courses are the first of their kind, and we intend to keep making more.

Plus… Water Drop workflow videos
This year, we have also been adding short, bite-sized Water Drop workflow videos that tackle important workflows in our apps, from getting started with a specific tool to learning how to utilize powerful scripting capabilities.
You can stay alerted to these and other upcoming tutorials by subscribing to the Water Drops YouTube playlist or by signing up for the One Water Blog newsletter at the bottom of this page. 👇