Global Launch at Autodesk is the time of year that marks the release of the latest innovations for our software. We are excited to announce several new features that we’ve added to Info360 Insight, our SaaS-based software for helping you drive more efficient water and wastewater network operations — and better high-level decision making. Build…
Product news
Your challenges are our challenges. While this statement may sound cliché, I think it rang true for the thousands of viewers of our Water Talks webinar series over the past three years. Since April 2020, we’ve reached 30,000 registrants, hosted 14,000 live attendees, and answered over 2,600 questions! We’ve heard from the best and brightest…
Storm, sewer, flood
One of Wellington Water’s main interests in using Info360 Insight was based on the appealing idea that all calculations could be done in the software using SCADA data directly – avoiding the use of Excel spreadsheets.
Customer stories
We’ve created the Autodesk Innovyze Public Roadmap for the Info360 platform to help you plan for today and the future.
Product news
During drought, water loss becomes even more important for utilities and consultancies to track and mitigate the impact. Learn how.
Operational analytics
Regulatory changes within the water industry in the US sometimes come from Washington, DC, but when California makes a regulatory move, the rest of the country sits up and notices. And they often follow California’s lead. “The 2022 proposed update to the Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements under the General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems is…
Water Talks
In our last Water Talk, Elevate Your Water Operations with Powerful Data Analytics, we talked about how you can use Info360 Insight to turn your live or uploaded data into analytics and really use it to drive your decision-making process. Want to be notified when new Water Talks are available? Sign up here to attend in person or subscribe to…
Operational analytics
Live sensor data is becoming more readily available, which is excellent. But we’ve noticed that some organizations set up their sensors and start collecting data – but then they may do nothing with it. With all of this data at your disposal, why let it go to waste? In our next Water Talk on August…
Water Talks
Innovyze, an Autodesk company, presented a webinar on the benefits of digital twin technology for the water industry. Watch the replay.
We host a new Water Talk every fortnight, and it was a relief to take a break from talking for a change and let our friend Susan Knepper from OHM Advisors tell their story during this most recent one. She went over past emergency scenarios and how the folks at OHM Advisors responded. It was…
Water Talks