Everybody knows the name Arcadis. They stand out as a global leader in engineering solutions that address complex challenges throughout the water cycle. With a strong focus on collaboration and innovation, Arcadis partners with water utilities across the US to tackle present issues and pave the way for future enhancements using cutting-edge tools and technologies – like our own InfoWater Pro software.
One reason Arcadis chooses InfoWater Pro is because it seamlessly integrates with ArcGIS Pro, streamlining their GIS operations and model management. By integrating hydraulic modeling capabilities and GIS, Arcadis enhances the efficiency and reliability of utility management, helping its clients make informed decisions based on a blend of field data and predictive modeling.

Why InfoWater Pro?
In a new Autodesk video, Arcadis Senior Water Engineer Benjamin Chenevey talks about how Arcadis uses InfoWater Pro to test hydrants for fireflow capability, exchange information with workers in the field, and apply all of the knowledge from their hydraulic models to inform 20-year capital improvement planning.
“Since InfoWater Pro is inside GIS, we’re able to look at and use background information about anticipated redevelopment projects throughout the system,” says Chenevey. “Once we are able to run the model and look at those future conditions, we can easily see exactly where the issues are and then communicate that to stakeholders so we can create a master plan for the next 20 years for the system – and where we need to focus those capital improvements to have the most impact.”
Give it a watch.👇