If you have used Revit 2022 or Revit LT 2022 for a while, you may have noticed after closing Revit that a survey window pops up asking you to rate your experience. Personally, my first instinct is to close the thing and move on with my life. Please don’t do that with this one! I can’t speak for other software surveys, but this particular survey is a sure way to provide valuable feedback directly to the Autodesk product teams. And we do use it!
But…it is just a waste of my time, no one really reads them, and if I am done for the day I just want to go home!
You may think that it is a waste of time, that no one is reading or caring about your responses. The truth is…we do! We care and we read. I along with several others monitor the responses we get from the surveys on a weekly basis. We aggregate these responses and send them directly to our product teams to review. That is why it is important that your responses be specific and concise. We cannot help by making changes to the product if we do not understand the issues you are having. In other words, just saying “Revit sucks” is probably going to be ignored!

Who Gets a Survey, and How Many Will I See?
A randomized sampling of all Revit users will receive the survey, with some exclusions due to country restrictions. Some users may never see a survey. We try to keep the surveys spaced apart enough so that you are not overwhelmed with surveys. We know that can get annoying! Here is a hint: if you take just a few seconds to answer the survey, you probably will not see that survey again for a very long time (if ever!).
Does Autodesk Really Use My Reply to Improve Revit?
While we receive many replies to the survey (as of this writing, we have received over 900 comments!), and the surveys are not the only source for customer feedback (see below), we do our best to triage requests, filter out problem reports and issues and prioritize upcoming development projects. There are several team members who review the comments, and those comments with substance are passed along to the product teams. For example, several responses indicated a need for improvement to Revit’s site and topography tools – something that has been added to our Revit Public Roadmap. The most frequent topic we receive? Drafting and Annotation – also something our teams are dedicated to improve as evidenced by the Roadmap.
Can Autodesk answer me directly?
Unfortunately, no. Due to privacy restrictions, even if you say, “please reach out to me”, we cannot. Everything is anonymous. There are other ways to reach us directly, such as the Autodesk Forums and the Autodesk Research Community, and Facebook and LinkedIn Autodesk Community Groups. Our Community Conversations are also a great way to share your own experience and expertise with your colleagues in the Autodesk Community.
Our product teams truly want to know what you have to say about Revit. Is it always what we want to hear? Of course not. But we cannot make the changes you want to see if we are not hearing specifically what you need. Will issues be fixed immediately? I wish I had a magic wand to fix everything for you! These things take time, and we must somehow triage and prioritize the many features and enhancements that our product teams are working on constantly. Have patience, fill out the surveys…we do hear you!