It is not uncommon for numerical hydraulic models to inform the scale and size of built infrastructure. After all, one of the clear benefits of creating a model is the ability to experiment and test out your theories about how to optimize…
Hydraulic modeling
One of the most important things UK water regulator Ofwat wants to see water companies use AMP8 funding to achieve is elevating the importance of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). We wrote about it in our latest white paper ‘AMP8’s unprecedented opportunities’, part…
Storm, sewer, flood
Getting started with stormwater and hydraulic modeling software may feel like a big task, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive one. We’ve compiled comprehensive training courses to get you and your team up to speed on InfoWorks ICM, and they…
Product news
We walk through some of the similarities and differences between HEC software and InfoWorks ICM. Some people use both - we'll tell you why.
Storm, sewer, flood
The recent AMP8 funding cycle is perhaps the best chance for water providers to secure funding for changing the way they monitor and solve for CSOs. We’ve written about it in our new white paper, AMP8’s unprecedented opportunities, a portion of which…
Storm, sewer, flood
Operating and maintaining water and wastewater networks requires sifting through vast volumes of data, with a significant portion derived from CCTV inspections, which is the primary method our industry relies on to assess the state of underground collection system assets. These inspections…
Asset management
Generally, Water Drop videos are recorded and produced by our North American technical team, but this edition is happy to welcome some expertise from ‘the land down under’! Welcome Tran Nguyen as she tackles how to utilize the Area Takeoff Method in…
Water Talks
As urban areas continue to expand and our drainage infrastructure continues to be pushed to the limits, managing stormwater and urban drainage with old methods has become untenable. This isn’t just a regional problem, but a global one. Our teams often get…
Drainage design
Today, August 7th, InfoDrainage Standard and InfoDrainage Ultimate are collapsing into one offering – InfoDrainage – delivering superior drainage design and hydraulic analysis capabilities to users in one product. This change means that now all users will have access to our highly-regarded…
Product news
In the last two years, the UK water industry has been under increased scrutiny by Ofwat, the water industry regulator, for ongoing sewage spills in England’s waterways. Ofwat can fine companies up to 10% of their annual sales, and now three water…
Industry news