For 92% of the world, the highest extreme climate risk comes from precipitation-related events, with most of those driven by rain. If those numbers sound dire, they don’t brighten up when you factor in the infrastructure decline in the US. Thankfully, there…
Storm, sewer, flood
We host a new Water Talk every fortnight, and it was a relief to take a break from talking for a change and let our friend Susan Knepper from OHM Advisors tell their story during this most recent one. She went over…
Water Talks
Recently, Representative Diana DeGette (CO-01), joined by Representatives Yvette Clarke (NY-09), Anne McLane Kuster (NH-02), Stephen Lynch (MA-08), Chris Pappas (NH-01), and Paul Tonko (NY-20) sent a strong statement to EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan emphasizing the importance of adopting forward-thinking digital…
Service disruptions are inevitable, but with the right technology and strategic planning, cities can prepare for these disruptions. We’ll be talking about a great example of a city that’s doing just that with Susan Knepper of OHM Advisors. She’ll be chatting with…
Water Talks
Colby Manwaring recently sat down with Todd Danielson, Informed Infrastructure‘s editorial director to talk about how important it is for water industry thought leaders to explain the potential of digital twin technologies to US policymakers who are currently fleshing out the way…
Do you have trouble getting institutional buy-in for getting funds approved for your capital improvement plans or managing operations and maintenance (O&M) budgets effectively? We know that capital planners and O&M managers would like more tools to help visualize the justification of…
Asset management
We’ve been hard at work on new functionality in Info360 Asset, and we showed off how it works in our most recent Water Talk. We talk about how this feature – and a few others in this latest update – can help…
Asset management
Our own David Totman sat down with Water Online recently to run through the Top 5 Common Problems Utilities Have and a Path Out. A Past-President for the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute in the ASCE, David is a thought leader with…
Water distribution
Looking for a quick, basic tutorial for InfoWorks ICM? We have lots of great content on our support portal when you want to tackle every step, but sometimes watching over someone’s shoulder is a great place to start. So grab a source…
Storm, sewer, flood
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its mark on the water industry, powering intelligent operations using machine learning to optimize resource use and operational budgets for organizations.