Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) can be a very misleading phrase. While a machine might know what specific elevation a surface needs to be, the operator is responsible for the finished grade. It is important that the operator have all of the information and tools necessary to ensure that the equipment is producing proper design conditions. With only grade specified in an AMG model, it is easy for any operator to not truly understand what he or she is grading and the importance of particular grades. This roundtable session focuses on an open dialog about experiences with AMG and what kinds of data should and should not be communicated with the operator. We start this session by showing what Sundt Construction's current practices are for using AMG to communicate with operations personnel and then we discuss how the standards evolved. Next, the discussion opens up for attendees to share their experiences and talk about how the perfect AMG model would look. The true value of an AMG model is how efficiently and quickly it can be executed in the field. If you have any involvement in that process this class is for you.
Key Learnings
- List methods for communicating via automated machine guidance (AMG) equipment
- Explore communication with field personnel
- Discover important data to communicate with the field that is not an elevation value
- Develop a list of typical standards included in AMG models