We’ve been releasing Water Drop workflow videos at a steady pace in the past few months. These are short videos to help illustrate popular – but also sometimes lesser-known – workflows in our water software.
This set of three new videos isn’t just for water professionals in Australia and New Zealand region (aka “ANZ”), but they are all focused on InfoDrainage, which contains tools to help you localise details like rainfall methodologies you use and sustainable drainage designs that you create.
InfoDrainage and Civil 3D: catchment hydrology tools
Drainage designers can make use of the tools within both Civil 3D and InfoDrainage to help streamline catchment delineation and setup of run-off parameters. In this video, we begin by highlighting how catchments or watersheds can be automatically generated using a surface model and assigned to drainage networks as part of a concept design in Civil 3D.
Then, with the InfoDrainage/Civil 3D integration tool, we can bring all the data across to InfoDrainage and use its more extensive run-off routing methods and rainfall generation tools to set up and simulate hydrology and accurately size up the drainage network.

Try it yourself
Have you used Civil 3D and InfoDrainage in tandem? We offer a 30-day free trial of InfoDrainage – no credit card required, as well as a free trial of Civil 3D.
Adding New Zealand rainfall methodology to InfoDrainage
InfoDrainage has built-in design rainfall tools for regions all around the globe. For some regions, there are a number of different methodologies and variations to the design rainfall process that change with project location. With our focus in this video being on New Zealand, we highlight how we can use the Rainfall Manager in InfoDrainage to build out design rainfall for any event in any region.
Subsequently, we can save this rainfall data into the InfoDrainage Rainfall Library as a template, which can be used again – or altered – for future projects. We’ve included an example Rainfall Library file for New Zealand that you can download and use yourself.
Basin design and optimisation in InfoDrainage with WSUD in mind
How do you model and design storage basins in an environmentally friendly way? They call it Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), SuDS in the UK, LiDS in the US, but it’s all aimed at the same thing – designing and building more naturally instead of designing just with concrete in mind.
This approach is becoming more critical when planning for and developing new land infrastructure, in which the design of stormwater controls often undergoes multiple design constraints. Sometimes, designers find they must work through many iterations across several modelling packages to achieve what they want. InfoDrainage includes this kind of design functionality built-in. We consider it a big strength of our software.
This video highlights how InfoDrainage can model these structures in-line with the stormwater conveyance elements and provide tools that help to optimise and minimise the time required for design. The “true-to-site” representation in the plan view immediately alerts designers to any potential constructability clashes.
Get them when they drop
We’ve been releasing new Water Drop videos every month since we began this project. Every time we add a new one, we include it on our Water Drop YouTube playlist. You can be updated every time we release a new video by subscribing to our YouTube channel and turning on notifications.