Why sit in on this AU 2015 AutoCAD recorded class? One, you’re an AutoCAD .NET API software developer. Two, you strongly suspect there is functionality lurking just beyond the reach of your managed ObjectARX™ libraries. Three, when you uncover this functionality—and you will—you want to know how to make it available to your managed .NET applications. Four, you really like useful sample code.
A developer favorite from Autodesk® University 2015, this class was recorded and is available here, in its entirety, with handouts. Please pull up a chair for:
Watch this instructional demonstration and learn how to extend the managed ObjectARX libraries to use hidden functionality.
AU 2015 recorded AutoCAD classes: The Adventure Continues….This is the twelfth—twelfth!—in a series of shout-outs to Autodesk University 2015 Online Learning. Earlier in the tour, I pointed you to…
- Week 1: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Three fast-paced AutoCAD classes (three classes)
- Week 2: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: AutoCAD Customization Boot Camps (two classes)
- Week 3: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: What’s New, What’s Next (two classes)
- Week 4: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: AutoCAD Secrets Exposed!
- Week 5: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Palling Around with Tool Palettes (two classes)
- Week 6: Autodesk University 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: The Most Dynamic Class on the Block
AU 2015 recorded AutoCAD classes: The Developer Mini-Series….
And this is the sixth—and final!—class in a mini-series of developer-favorite AU 2015 recorded classes that we’re calling “Interesting Developments.”
- Week 7: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: .NET Code + AutoCAD I/O
- Week 8: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: Introducing AutoCAD.IO V2
- Week 9: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: SQL Server Data + .NET Add-Ins
- Week 10: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: How I Learned Autodesk Add-Ins in 3 Months
- Week 11: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: Entity Framework for AutoCAD Development
Next up: AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Surviving the Transition from Microstation to AutoCAD
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