At the outset of a Revit project, it is crucial to define a clear process and workflow. This should encompass several key elements, such as accurately determining the building's location, shared coordinates, geodetic elevation, building design, and the materials to be represented. As we prepare to tackle the sustainability challenges of 2030 and 2050, it is imperative to integrate these factors into our workflow from the outset. Moreover, it is recommended that firms incorporate these processes and workflows into the creation of families intended for use in sustainable projects, ensuring that sustainability is woven into every aspect of the project. By doing so, we can ensure that we are setting a strong foundation for designing, constructing, and managing buildings that are in line with our sustainable goals.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to define an effective Revit workflow for sustainable design.
- Learn about organizing and constructing families for sustainable design.
- Learn about applying the skill of coordination to implement and execute a sustainable workflow across all disciplines.
- Learn how to implement a cohesive workflow with minimal errors and rework.