You have embarked down the Integrated Facilities Model path - getting your facility into 3D to better communicate and lower risk as well as reduce installation costs - but what else can we do? By using the Factory Design Utilities and ProModel's AutoCAD Edition, we can add another layer of power - the ability to measure and predict throughput capabilities right in your layout model, while reducing operational cost. See how applying these methodologies and workflows can help your organization make better decisions faster in regards to manufacturing processes. See how your process will perform based on your criteria - and get solid, actionable data to reduce risk and maximize profits.
Key Learnings
- Understand the benefits of discrete event simulation for manufacturing and AEC customers.
- Understand how discrete event simulation and space planning are tied together.
- Be able to provide strong metrics to support a business case
- Provide both 2D and 3D animated process models utilizing AutoCAD, Inventor and Forge - with one button click.
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