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News from AU
April 30, 2019

AU Las Vegas 2019 Call for Proposals Is Now Open

AU speaker

It. Is. Time.

Time to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Time to get inspired and share what you know with the AU community. 11,000+ people will attend 700+ classes at AU Las Vegas 2019 this November.

What will those classes be? That’s where you come in.

Call for Proposals is open for AU Las Vegas 2019. Submit now.

Our industries are constantly changing. AU Las Vegas is where professionals help professionals build the skills and the knowledge to keep up and move ahead. Call for Proposals (CFP) is how we gather ideas for what classes to offer. It’s the spark that sets the whole thing in motion. Tell us what you have to share with the community this year:

  • An insight on a particular trend or technology shaping your industry?
  • A new workflow or a way to automate a process?
  • An intriguing topic for discussion?
  • Tips for those who are new to a particular software or industry?
  • Lessons learned from a recent project?

You don’t have to be a master orator to lead a great class and you don’t need to be the world’s leading expert on your topic—you just need to share your own unique knowledge.

Your class can be delivered in one of the following formats:

  • Industry talks are like lectures—they should feature thought leadership, industry insights, case studies, or other innovative experiences. You’re not expected to provide walk-throughs or in-product training.
  • Instructional demos provide attendees with detailed presentations of workflows, processes, tips and tricks, and ways to get more from their tools.
  • Hands-on labs offer direct software instruction. Attendees will sit at workstations and click along with you. As many as 3 lab assistants can support you as the AU speaker.
  • Panels feature a group of experts conversing on important industry topics. Diverse viewpoints are welcome. As the panel leader, your role is to facilitate the discussion and get the audience involved.
  • Roundtables are mediated interactive discussions. Small groups of attendees sit around tables and share what they know about an important industry topic that you think is important. As a roundtable leader, your job is to structure the discussion, raise questions, and help draw out insights.

For more details and tips on how to make your proposal stand out, visit the Call for Proposals page and download the 2019 CFP Guide. See the section on topics for some trends we find compelling.

Whether you’ve spoken at AU before or considered it and still have an idea kicking around, now is the time to put that proposal together and send it our way. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year.