Fireside Chat with Marvel Studios

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Learn how Marvel Studios adapted to a new (virtual) normal

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In this webinar you will learn:

  • Why Marvel Studios decided to integrate ShotGrid into their pipeline
  • How Marvel Studios collaborates on their projects and manages their review workflows
  • The biggest challenge Marvel Studios faced during the pandemic

Webinar Duration: 29 minutes

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Meet the speakers

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Jessica Beisler

ShotGrid Subject Matter Expert, Autodesk

Jessica has lived and breathed ShotGrid for most of her career. She’s worked in animation and visual effects production bridging the gaps between production management, pipeline teams, and artists. She joined Autodesk in 2017 to help clients make their workflows more efficient using ShotGrid.

Rebecca Bever

Senior Core Software Developer, Marvel Studios

Rebecca leads the charge on the integration of ShotGrid into Marvel Studios' pipeline. She works on making sure their production technology and production teams have everything they need within ShotGrid.

Natt Mintrasak

CG Technical Director, Marvel Studios

Natt concentrates on the animation projects at Marvel Studios. He works with artists and the production team to build tools that support their pipeline. He also works on the front facing interface needs for daily projects.

John Smith

CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

John discusses lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipscing solare est suum quique.
Oct 23, 5:00pm