Discover your named user advantage

With our trade-in estimator, we can help you calculate the time and cost savings you can expect to see by moving to a named user plan.

Watch the demo video to learn how to use this valuable tool (5:27 min.)

Start using the trade-in estimator tool right now

Looking to better understand how your pricing will change when you transition to named user? Our trade-in estimator tool can help. Use the estimator to uncover valuable information.

  • Learn potential ROI when moving to named user accounts.
  • See how trade-in offers work from an estimated pricing perspective*.
  • Compare individual and total estimated annual costs before and after trade-in.
  • Understand how named user accounts can potentially save you time and money.
  • Receive a comprehensive estimate report to share with decision makers.

Want to discuss your estimate report?

Follow this link to fill out a request form and an Autodesk representative will contact you.