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Over 1300 competitors from 63 countries recently met for the 45th WorldSkills Design Challenge in Kazan, Russia. Considered to be the best among their peers these young competitors stepped up to a wide spectrum of challenges including engineering solutions, computer science, 3D printing, and electronics. Competitions like this propel learning in order to close the skills…
Self taught Fusion 360 user Andrew McLean kept breaking watches, so he started his own company.
Additions to the manufacturing capability in Fusion 360 give inventors and engineers unprecedented power for realizing an “unattended factory” with inspection integrated into the manufacturing workflow.
Most designers will be expected to, at some point in their career, put together a mockup with little notice. Mockup creation has become an easier task with modern tools, but there are still some tricks to keep in mind that will make the process faster.
This tech tip will get you designing faster by getting you up to speed with the useful boundary fill tool.
From YouTube videos to webinars, there are many different ways to learn about a particular topic. Today’s modern technology has expanded our means of absorbing new information, particularly outside of the classroom.
Self-taught Fusion 360 user Brian Twilley combines his fine arts background with his experience as a machinist to create Charcoal Goods.
Check out celeb chef Babish making giant pancakes with Fusion 360 and a powermill robot!
This Tech Tip will help you to decide when and why to turn on "Allow 3D sketching of lines and splines”
Learn more about the new hole recognition capabilities inside the Fusion 360 manufacturing extension and explain how they can help automate one of the most common programming tasks in your machine shop.
Data management in Fusion 360 is easier than ever thanks to its cloud-enabled infrastructure. But is the simplicity worth the risk? Come push the button.
Learn more about the thicken command in Fusion 360 in both the surface and form environments.
Companies are working to harness the massive potential of ubiquitous data, but the “gravity” of that data has important implications for users and companies alike.
Check out this tip to learn how to use the thread command to create threaded parts in Fusion 360.