Break way from tradition and make way for something new
The world has changed. Industry has changed. And education, as we knew it, has changed. Learn why the disruption is the perfect opportunity to update how and what you teach.
The world has changed. Industry has changed. And education, as we knew it, has changed. Learn why the disruption is the perfect opportunity to update how and what you teach.
While disruption might feel overwhelming, change offers opportunities to gain a new perspective. In the age of automation, students will need to gain new skills to prepare for their future careers. Embrace today’s change and partner with Autodesk to prepare your students for career readiness.
Provide students access to learning content that supplements your existing curriculum with an array of modular courses designed for a range of skill levels and ambitions. Help students get where they want to go. View a selection of skill builder courses available to see what makes sense for your classroom.
Get foundational knowledge in 3D modeling, toolpath programming, and practice use of CNC machining for milling.
Get a deeper look into design for manufacturing, so that you can confidently meet the demands and opportunities of a CAM programmer.
Understand design requirements for a specific manufacturing method when designing components, parts and products.
This certification prep course reviews the core skills covered on the Autodesk Certified Associate for CAD in Mechanical Design certification exam.
Fusion 360 provides all the support you need as you guide your students in advancing their engineering and manufacturing skills.
Available on PC, Mac, and Chromebook with Android and iOS apps for anytime, anywhere access.