20X faster! Uncover dramatic time savings when using Civil 3D vs. AutoCAD

Up to 95% productivity gain

A recent study compared how engineers would complete 10 typical civil design workflows using Civil 3D versus AutoCAD, including: parcel design, surface creation and analysis, and piping and drainage design.

Findings demonstrate that Civil 3D allows users to complete project tasks up to 20x faster than using AutoCAD.

How you benefit

  • Productivity Gains: 95% overall productivity gain when using Civil 3D versus AutoCAD

    Productivity Gains

    95% overall productivity gain when using Civil 3D versus AutoCAD

  • Increased Accuracy: Accuracy improvements due to automation of tasks and precision built into tools

    Increased Accuracy

    Accuracy improvements due to automation of tasks and precision built into tools

  • Risk Reduction: Noticeable risk and error reduction with decreased user-entered data

    Risk Reduction

    Noticeable risk and error reduction with decreased user-entered data

Study Highlights

Here are findings of four tasks from the productivity study.

  • Surface & Contour Creation

    99.5% time savings

  • Parcel Creation

    82% time savings

  • Build Corridor

    86.5% time savings

  • Crossing Pipe Clash Check

    91.7% time savings

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