Upchain ranked #1

The easiest to use product data management system

Upchain is recognized as a leader in PDM software with an average 4.5 out of 5-star rating from real user reviews on G2.

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Recent awards for Upchain cloud PDM

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  • Leader

    Spring 2022

  • Easiest setup

    Spring 2022

  • Best meets requirements

    Spring 2022

  • Best support

    Spring 2022

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Don't just take our word for it

See why people love using Upchain.

"We are eliminating multiple versions and duplicated files which was a common problem with multiple users and teams working on the same projects. Forced revision control on check-in helps ensure that the correct revisions are being selected by the manufacturing team. Viewer licenses with mark-up is an invaluable tool for the assembly line. It will streamline our processes and reduce waste in the form of time and scrap."

- James F., Head of Design & Engineering

"We are a startup that needs a single source of truth on design details in order to execute efficiently and with proper ECO approvals. Upchain provides us with a scalable, cloud-based solution with easy setup, great user interface, and competitive pricing. Upchain has many additional features such as project management that will be useful as our design team grows."

- Sean K., Design Engineer 

"It's a perfect all-around solution compatible with multiple software. Having worked in other organizations and used multiple PLM/PDM packages, Upchain seems to cover most bases and can be adapted to different business models and processes or used out of the box. It's super easy to set up part numbering rules and a number of business procedures from design to purchasing. The software provides project, product, design, procurement, and supplier management platforms all in one."

- Oleksandr D., Tenant Administrator 

"We are improving communication with our supplier development, purchasing, engineering, and quality teams. We have seen tremendous improvements in change management and maintaining project design freeze. We have reduced confusion about product specifications by being able to directly link documents and drawings to the part. Product cost is also finally becoming transparent across the organization." 

- Andrew E., Senior Product Engineer, Startup