Collaborative Water Distribution Modeling with InfoWorks WS Pro

Hydraulic modelers, engineers, and GIS practitioners can benefit from reduce operating costs and improve service with comprehensive water distribution analysis and modeling tools.

InfoWorks WS Pro at a Glance

InfoWorks WS Pro is a collaborative water distribution modeling tool used by engineers to accurately model water distribution systems. Improve productivity with team editing of the water distribution model and smart tracking. Conduct rapid analysis using the scalability of cloud. Increase operational confidence through SCADA integration and detailed hydraulics.

Features and Capabilities

What can you do with InfoWorks WS Pro?

Screenshot of connection with 3rd party applications such as GIS and telemetry

Boost efficiency in representing real water systems

Automate the connection to third-party applications such as GIS and telemetry, shortening model building time, improving productivity, and providing a reliable decision-support tool


Screenshot of hydraulic models with multi-editing and user controls

Improve team productivity with reliable database operations

Scalable, enterprise-access hydraulic models provide multi-user editing, version-controlled model trackingcustomizable user permissions, and data flags to keep track of changes in the model


Screenshot of various water modeling systems

Quickly and accurately model water systems at any stage

Build, edit, and run complete hydraulic models accurately and efficiently for any stage of the represented network infrastructure lifecycle, from planning and design to operations and maintenance



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