Ivy Tech Community College prepares students for a competitive workforce

Focusing on technological advancement in manufacturing, the nation’s largest accredited community college trains their students in modern CAD/CAM skills so students are more competitive as they enter the workforce.

Make hands-on learning easier

Working with industry partners, Ivy Tech Community College aims to provide students with a wide knowledge base, preparing them to be competitive candidates who can contribute to the workforce immediately. By utilizing an integrated CAD/CAM platform in their curriculum, faculty can easily teach the entire design-to-make process.

At Ivy Tech, faculty uses Autodesk Fusion 360 software to teach students all operations and programming necessary for the product development process. See how students quickly progress from concept to make.

Want to teach Fusion 360 in your classroom? We can help!

Why Fusion 360?

Fusion 360 is the only tool that connects the entire product development process into a single CAD/CAM/CAE cloud-based platform. It provides all the support you need as you guide your students in advancing their engineering and manufacturing skills.

  • MANAGE STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS IN ONE PLACE. Centralize and manage assignments and projects delivered by the students enrolled in your course.
  • VIEW AND COMMENT IN BROWSER. Students can share a link to their design at the click of a button, and you can view and comment directly on any device.
  • ANYCAD IN FUSION 360. Take models from other CAD programs and use them directly in Fusion 360 to collaborate with your students.

Available on PC, Mac, and Chromebook with Android and iOS apps for anytime, anywhere access.