What’s new in the AEC Collection for architects
Create more confidently with a new common data environment, more capable and efficient production workflows, and tighter connections between the tools you use every day.
Collaborate in the cloud with Autodesk Docs (1:48 min.)
The collection now includes Autodesk Docs, a common data environment which helps you:
See how improvements to Revit will make you more productive (1:00 min)
Collaborate more effectively and produce higher quality deliverables with new features including:
Explore additional enhancements to the AEC Collection to help you make better design decisions and work more effectively.
Capture your ideas with BIM-based 3D sketching workflows. FormIt Pro 2022 is more connected and capable than ever with tighter integrations with Revit, Dynamo, and Autodesk Docs.
Become even more productive in AutoCAD with time-saving automations, seamless connections between platforms and storage providers like Docs, and the ability to work from anywhere.
Design more energy-efficient buildings with Insight which offers advanced simulation engines and building performance analysis data integrated in Revit.
Create high-quality visualizations of your architectural designs with powerful modeling and rendering tools. 3ds Max 2022 takes speed, security and ease-of-use one step further.